The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force on the 25th May 2018 and affects every company in the UK that holds personal data.

GDPR will completely change how you handle personal information, from one end of your organisation to the other.

If you hold and process personal information about your clients, employees or suppliers, you are legally obliged to protect that information under the Data Protection Act.

It is designed to enable individuals to better control their personal data. “Personal Data” is defined as: Data which relates to a living individual (such as a name, an identification number, location data, or online identifier) who can be identified.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) will impose fines for the smallest of breaches or infringements are €10 million or 2% of your company’s annual turnover – whichever is higher and can increase to €20 million, or 4% of your company annual turnover – whichever is higher.

If you are unsure what is required to comply then call us today for a no nonsense chat.

For more information from the ICO click here GDPR 12 Steps to Take Now
