If something doesn’t quite seem quite right it usually isn’t.

You don’t have to be a genius to understand what could go catastrophically wrong at this workshop fail.

This worker was clearly not had any health & safety at work training which is staggering considering he is working with dangerous power tools and hazardous equipment.

The Oxy/Acetylene cylinders should have been moved well away from any task involving hot work such as grinding operations and as such is a potential ticking timebomb.

Section 2 of the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 states all employees should receive Information, Instruction, Training & Supervision.

Strangely enough I am intrigued as to why the person taking the photo has not saved this man from a potentially fatal incident. I guess he may be just as clueless if their employer has not embraced health & safety or invested in training?!?!

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