Three ambulances are among ten vehicles that have been destroyed by fire.

Three ambulances are among ten vehicles that have been destroyed in a fire at a service centre in Basingstoke.

Emergency services were called to the scene of a major fire at Houndmills Industrial Estate.

A blaze had taken hold of a number of vehicles on the forecourt at Snows Peugeot Garage on Aldermaston Road South.

Firefighters were called to the scene at 8.46pm.
Three crews from Basingstoke, plus a water tanker from Alton, were in attendance and remained on site until 11.09pm when the blaze was brought under control.

Ten vehicles were reported to have been destroyed.

The fire service has said that the exact cause of the fire remains unknown.

Residents and eyewitnesses reported a number of explosions during the incident.

Hampshire Fire and Rescue says these would have sounded as the fire spread to engulf more vehicles, and that “the explosions would have been caused by the fire,” rather than the explosions causing the fire to break out in the first place.

Officers were in attendance last night while the blaze was tackled by the fire service. They too recieved the call at 8.46pm.

Oakridge Road was also closed for an hour while firefighters dealt with the fire.

Hampshire Constabulary has since said it is not treating the fire as suspicious at this stage.

No one was hurt as the fire taking place outside of business hours, no nobody was on site at the garage.

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